Nedap Now in action at NexGen Dairy
“We use the data to make informed decisions, use preventative strategies and be more proactive with our management. Where previously we would have to be reactive to an event, like a group of cows with lower milk production, now we can get in front of a situation.”
Megan Schrupp, NexGen Dairy LLC
Minnesota, USA
“Thanks to Nedap Now we know very easily that we are hitting our targets based on the KPI’s we set. That’s also because the system always works. Even if the internet goes down. Actually, we would have been lost without Nedap.”
Joseph Leonard, Balloy Farm Ltd
Meath, Ireland
Nedap Now offers extensive possibilities to add new features to our solutions for dairy farming. Take a look at the latest applications that Nedap CowControl offers you here.
Detect abnormalities or changes in feed intake with Nedap Herd eating patterns. Grant your feed advisor access to analyze eating patterns to provide you with well-founded advice. Improve feeding protocols and monitor staff compliance to boost milk production. Get started by watching this video and get the most out of your data.
Get a picture of cows with fertility problems, also during the voluntary waiting period, with Nedap Fertility Insights. Timely detection allows you to reduce unnecessary open days, to make strategic use of sexed semen, to confidently wait for the right cycle to inseminate or re-inseminate earlier if necessary and ultimately to increase milk production. Watch the video to see how this works.
Nedap Heat Stress detects heat stress and shows the degree and duration of the heat stress experienced by the cows at pen level. This enables dairy farmers or herd managers to take immediate measures to optimize pen conditions. In the video we explain how it works.
A single, reliable indicator to judge the heat of any cow at a glance. That is the essence of the Nedap Heat Score. With a score ranging from 1 to 5, herd managers know at once how to handle heats on the worklist and can easily standardize work flows for their staff. Watch the video to see how it works.
With the Health Score, Nedap introduces a new insight into the health of cows. The Health Score shows the health status of the cow and also the change compared to the previous hours. This insight makes it possible for the farmer to focus on the most critical cows first, saving valuable recovery time for the cow and streamlining labor allocation. Watch the video to see how it works.
Download the Nedap Now brochure and find out more about the system and how it can integratie into your farm?