Manage efficiently

Manage the entire herd as efficiently as possible while being able to pay attention to individual cows that actually need it. Without missing out on time, energy and the ability to optimize barn processes, such as cow traffic and feeding. A utopia? Not with Nedap FarmControl!

RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is a technology in which individual animals are automatically and wirelessly recognized. It is the basis for individual animal management for dairy farmers all over the world. The individual identification of cows is essential to be able to build a unique cow file and to automate everyday onfarm tasks. This is vital to making informed decisions and being able to give each cow the attention she needs, so that she performs optimally.

Nedap FarmControl can therefore rightfully be called the heart of dairy farming.

It is not without reason that 8 out of the 10 most renowned automation suppliers worldwide have integrated Nedap FarmControl into their portfolio.

"It makes all of the work a lot easier."

Individual animal identification is the basis for various dairy management solutions in our portfolio. We improve life on the farm.



Optimal production results are achieved by automatically providing each cow with the most suitable concentrate feed, in the right amount. This results in even more control over the performance of each individual cow. The cow feeding station follows a tailor-made feed curve per cow, which supports her optimal condition and can be easily set up based on her milk production, lactation days, production group or as a fixed ration.


Integration with Nedap CowControl

Nedap CowControl monitors every cow 24 hours a day. The SmartTag the cow is wearing continuously monitors her fertility, health and location. Based on this, the dairy farmer receives relevant attentions and insights to make informed decisions. Nedap’s reliable identification solution is fully integrated into the SmartTag. The SmartTag recognizes your cows in, for example, the milking parlor or robot, your sorting and routing solutions and feeding stations.


By using Nedap’s sorting and routing solutions, all cow movements on the farm can be controlled based on individual cows or cows groups. So it is fully automatic. Based on specific goals, you can
decide which cows need to be separated or routed and the location to where they need to be sent.



Integration with Nedap MilkingControl

Nedap MilkingControl registers the milk yield and milk flow in the milking parlor. The registration of this information per individual cow is done based on Nedap identification. Dairy farmers can choose to automatically separate specific cows based on deviating indicators provided through Nedap MilkingControl – e.g. a lower milk yield or milk flow – in order to be able to provide these cows with an individual check.

Want to know more?

Download the brochures of our solutions and find out more about the systems and how they can improve life on the farm.